Welcome to Fed Up US

We believe in the U.S. Constitution as previously interpreted before the current era of its corruption.  We believe in the strength and fairness and common sense of the American People.


"Taxation without representation" was the call to action of our Founding Fathers -- is it any different now?


Are the people of the U.S. and their best interests represented in our government?


Are you tired of not being paid attention to?

Are  you tired of our government only listening to those special interests that pay well?


Whatever happened to the concept of public employees as public servants?


Do  you feel like a second class citizen when you deal with the condescending agents of government agencies?


Are you tired of government corruption?

Are you tired of government lies?

Are you tired of invasive, unconstitutional laws and procedures?




Contact Us

We are interested in hearing what you think.


Email us at fedupus2012@gmail.com